Explore 23 Makerspaces
  • MABE MakerLab

    Makerspace at University of Tennessee

    The MABE Maker lab originated as an educational tool to place Industrial grade advanced manufacturing equipment in the hands of engineering students.

    Engineering + 2 more

  • iLab (The Ideation Laboratory)

    Makerspace at University of Tennessee

    This facility provides students, faculty and the East Tennessee community with tools for rapid prototyping of ideas into first prototype products for plastic, wood, metal and software mobile applications.

    Digital Fabrication + 1 more

  • Discovery Park

    Makerspace at Purdue University

    Discovery Park is the interdisciplinary and translational research hub for Purdue University. A cluster of six innovative research facilities with over 250,000 assignable sq. ft. provides cutting edge instrumentation, labs, meeting and office space for interdisciplinary centers and multiple projects. Discovery Park facilities encompass interdisciplinary research activities from across the campus including nanotechnology, bioscience, climate change, environment, energy, water, food security, entrepreneurship, learning research, cyber, healthcare engineering, drug discovery, as well as research areas like the science of information and predicting and modeling the behaviors of new materials.

    Biology + 6 more

  • The Anvil

    Makerspace at Purdue University

    The Anvil was founded in 2013 to support entrepreneurial action among the surrounding community as well as act as a space for entrepreneurs and innovators to collaborate and learn. The Anvil was founded by three Purdue students.

    Community Engagement + 2 more

  • Bernard M. Gordon Learning Factory

    Makerspace at Penn State

    The Learning Factory began in 1995 with the aim of bringing the real world into the classroom through practical, hands-on design projects. The Bernard M. Gordon Learning Factory facility was originally built as a prototyping space for capstone design students, and has expanded to serve as a makerspace resource for all Penn State engineering students.

    Community Engagement + 4 more

  • BoilerMAKER Labs

    Makerspace at Purdue University

    The BoilerMAKER labs were the result of a need for socialization space for students in the College of Technology as well as a location for students to access desktop 3D printing technology (FDM). And the other BoilerMAKER lab is the called the ‘Guitar Lab’. Originally designed as a lab for educating students in manufacturing via building acoustic and electric guitars, it has grown in popularity and expanded its reach to allow students access to CNC routers, laser cutters/engravers, and other woodworking equipment for their academic projects.

    Engineering + 3 more

  • Artisan and Fabrication Laboratory (AFL)

    Makerspace at Purdue University

    The Artisan and Fabrication Laboratory (AFL) is designed to be a completely student-based laboratory, which means that the lab is set up for student use while being overseen by lab employees to maintain safety.

    Research + 5 more

  • Maker Lab

    Makerspace at Santa Clara University

    after obtaining support from the School of Engineering and the Kern Family Foundation, the Robotics Systems Lab has forged the way for future students to have a chance to make no matter what year or major. It has been actively running for more than 2 years. It is located within the Engineering in Bannan Engineering Labs and is available to all on campus.

    Robotics + 2 more

  • ICE Makerspace

    Makerspace at James Madison University

    The resulting ICE (Innovation, Collaboration, and Entrepreneurship) structure and Makerspace opened for business in April 2014. The future success of the project depends on continued support and collaboration of the three founding partners. Ongoing operations of the Makerspace area are funded by 4-VA.

    Design + 3 more

  • General Fabrication Studio, 3D Prototyping & Visualization Studio, Machine Shop, Launch Bay

    Makerspace at James Madison University

    The Maker Spaces in the Department of Engineering at James Madison University (JMU) are distributed throughout the four floors of the Health and Human Services building on JMU’s East Campus. Maker Spaces support engineering courses and project work, and consequently, the equipment and spaces are generally shared spaces that can be leveraged by engineering courses, labs, project work, and research activities.

    Campus Innovation + 5 more

  • FABWorks

    Makerspace at University of California Irvine

    FABWorks is a MakerSpace located at University of California Irvine in the Calit2 building, Room 2302. It was built in order to expand experiential learning opportunities for students and the local community for hands on rapid prototyping and advanced manufacturing tools and processes.

    Engineering + 3 more

  • Robotic Systems Lab- CREST Facility

    Makerspace at Santa Clara University

    The RSL/CREST facility hosts resources for students to work on research and design projects involving the development and field operation of systems such as nanosatellites, marine robots, land rovers, and aerial robots.

    Research + 3 more

  • 3D Solid Printing Active Classroom Experience (3SPACE)

    Makerspace at James Madison University

    3SPACE has been programmed consistently with that class and others as auxiliary instruction, and frequent faculty and outreach workshops.

    Engineering + 4 more

  • Bobcat Made

    Makerspace at Texas State University-San Marcos

    An open access research/innovation lab available to any Texas State student.


  • UH FabLab

    Makerspace at University of Hawaii at Manoa

    The UH FabLab is located on the 4th floor of Holmes Hall. The space was originally a physical electronics lab.

    Digital Fabrication + 2 more

  • VIP Project Space

    Makerspace at University of Hawaii at Manoa

    A Holmes Hall 450 makerspace was created in response to student requests for dedicated space to work on EE design projects.


  • Design Studio

    Makerspace at University of Delaware

    The Design Studio consists of 5,500 square feet of rooms on the first floor of Spencer Lab.

    Design + 1 more

  • College of Engineering - Protolab

    Makerspace at University of Florida

    The College of Engineering Protolab is a Makerspace that is designed to “Power the New Engineer”.
