Explore 10 Makerspaces
  • MABE MakerLab

    Makerspace at University of Tennessee

    The MABE Maker lab originated as an educational tool to place Industrial grade advanced manufacturing equipment in the hands of engineering students.

    Engineering + 2 more

  • Center for Innovation in Additive Manufacturing (CIAM)

    Makerspace at Youngstown State University

    YSU recognized the need to create an additive manufacturing lab that would complement the America Makes Innovation Factory. CIAM was launched by the College of STEM in January 2014.

    Research + 2 more

  • Launch Lab

    Makerspace at Youngstown State University

    Launch Lab is a hub where students can initiate ideas and then reach out to other campus resources or community resources to bring those ideas into reality.

    Education + 2 more

  • IDeATe@Hunt

    Makerspace at Carnegie Mellon University

    The Integrative Design, Arts and Technology (IDeATe) Network was born from Student Need, and pushed as a Campus-Wide Initiative by multiple Provosts, and the President. Located on the first (2) Floors of Hunt Library, the IDeATe@Hunt facility, acts as a supportive resource for this initiative. Hosted

    Cross-University + 5 more

  • Radford University New Media Center

    Makerspace at Radford University

    The CITL New Media Center has facilities to support instructional technology training, faculty development, teaching systems R&D, teaching and learning research, high-end instructional media development and Lynda.com full catalog access.

    Education + 1 more

  • Discovery Park

    Makerspace at Purdue University

    Discovery Park is the interdisciplinary and translational research hub for Purdue University. A cluster of six innovative research facilities with over 250,000 assignable sq. ft. provides cutting edge instrumentation, labs, meeting and office space for interdisciplinary centers and multiple projects. Discovery Park facilities encompass interdisciplinary research activities from across the campus including nanotechnology, bioscience, climate change, environment, energy, water, food security, entrepreneurship, learning research, cyber, healthcare engineering, drug discovery, as well as research areas like the science of information and predicting and modeling the behaviors of new materials.

    Engineering + 6 more

  • Artisan and Fabrication Laboratory (AFL)

    Makerspace at Purdue University

    The Artisan and Fabrication Laboratory (AFL) is designed to be a completely student-based laboratory, which means that the lab is set up for student use while being overseen by lab employees to maintain safety.

    Education + 5 more

  • The MAKE Lab

    Makerspace at Texas State University-San Marcos

    Designed as an educational makerspace, The MAKE Lab supports College of Education students in exploring the instructional issues of integrating inexpensive technologies to facilitate brainstorming, tinkering, playing, learning, and art creation that support multidisciplinary learning.

    Education + 1 more

  • The MILL

    Makerspace at Indiana University

    the MILL will support teaching and learning with new digital fabrication technologies, framing Indiana University’s School of Education as a leader in the maker education movement by offering a dedicated space to come and learn, teach, and research through making in this space, as well as existing community outreach programs.

    Education + 1 more

  • Jumbo’s Maker Studio

    Makerspace at Tufts

    Jumbo’s Maker Studio is Tufts University’s experimental space at the Center for Engineering Education and Outreach (CEEO).

    Engineering + 2 more