The Carnegie Mellon Robotics Club, also known as "Roboclub", is a student organization, a makerspace & social space for robotics projects. Founded in 1984 it's one of the oldest collegiate robotics clubs in the world.
The Learning Factory began in 1995 with the aim of bringing the real world into the classroom through practical, hands-on design projects. The Bernard M. Gordon Learning Factory facility was originally built as a prototyping space for capstone design students, and has expanded to serve as a makerspace resource for all Penn State engineering students.
The Artisan and Fabrication Laboratory (AFL) is designed to be a completely student-based laboratory, which means that the lab is set up for student use while being overseen by lab employees to maintain safety.
The Maker Spaces in the Department of Engineering at James Madison University (JMU) are distributed throughout the four floors of the Health and Human Services building on JMU’s East Campus. Maker Spaces support engineering courses and project work, and consequently, the equipment and spaces are generally shared spaces that can be leveraged by engineering courses, labs, project work, and research activities.
FABWorks is a MakerSpace located at University of California Irvine in the Calit2 building, Room 2302. It was built in order to expand experiential learning opportunities for students and the local community for hands on rapid prototyping and advanced manufacturing tools and processes.