Curriculum - 1 solution

How do we build our students 21st century skills through maker-based courses?

About this Challenge

Within both K12 and higher education, coursework must foster creativity, problem solving, and innovation. We can accomplish this goal through aligning course activities with the maker philosophy.

Desired Solutions

We propose to create a course design and evaluation process that assesses how well a course addresses 21st century learning skills and endorse individual courses based on this evaluation.

  • Courses for credit to learn maker techniques!

    Addresses How do we build our students ... For Curriculum

    At the Sherman Center for Engineering Entrepreneurship Education at Northeastern, we offer a program of courses in areas identified by our students and external stakeholders to give our students product-centered and maker-based skills. These courses are taught by practitioners from the field rather than standing faculty and are entirely project (not exam) based. Course topics include: creative product design, customer-driven innovation, iterative product prototyping, and product development.