Discover campus Makerspaces
See the exciting spaces and resources for making available on 49 campuses around the U.S.
See the exciting spaces and resources for making available on 49 campuses around the U.S.
Hacker Lab is a makerspace and coworking space; an economic catalyst for start-ups and micro-businesses; a place where one can go to learn, create new products or technologies; and a community of diverse minds, skills and interests that reflects a growing and passionate Creative Class.
Business + 3 more
The seven-story, 50,000 square feet facility is the culmination of a vision that began in 2008 with a small group of faculty to bust open the innovation door on campus. The vision of the Sears think[box] is to operate an open space that enables users of all disciplines, all ages, all organizations to come together as a community to ideate, create, make, tinker, and build.
Programs or Initiatives + 4 more
Discovery Park is the interdisciplinary and translational research hub for Purdue University. A cluster of six innovative research facilities with over 250,000 assignable sq. ft. provides cutting edge instrumentation, labs, meeting and office space for interdisciplinary centers and multiple projects. Discovery Park facilities encompass interdisciplinary research activities from across the campus including nanotechnology, bioscience, climate change, environment, energy, water, food security, entrepreneurship, learning research, cyber, healthcare engineering, drug discovery, as well as research areas like the science of information and predicting and modeling the behaviors of new materials.
Community Engagement + 6 more
The Anvil was founded in 2013 to support entrepreneurial action among the surrounding community as well as act as a space for entrepreneurs and innovators to collaborate and learn. The Anvil was founded by three Purdue students.
Business + 2 more
The Purdue Foundry is dedicated to helping the Purdue Community move ideas to the marketplace through new ventures. The Purdue Foundry is a part of the Purdue Research Foundation and is focused keenly on the creation of startup companies that are based on Purdue University intellectual property.
Community Engagement + 1 more
The Learning Factory began in 1995 with the aim of bringing the real world into the classroom through practical, hands-on design projects. The Bernard M. Gordon Learning Factory facility was originally built as a prototyping space for capstone design students, and has expanded to serve as a makerspace resource for all Penn State engineering students.
Engineering + 4 more
The Maker Spaces in the Department of Engineering at James Madison University (JMU) are distributed throughout the four floors of the Health and Human Services building on JMU’s East Campus. Maker Spaces support engineering courses and project work, and consequently, the equipment and spaces are generally shared spaces that can be leveraged by engineering courses, labs, project work, and research activities.
Digital Fabrication + 5 more
3SPACE has been programmed consistently with that class and others as auxiliary instruction, and frequent faculty and outreach workshops.
Community Engagement + 4 more