Project Profile

Goals of the project

The device is designed to aid in facilitating a safer, faster, and more efficient method to dislodge a deep impacted fetal head cesarean section.

Nature of the Collaboration

We have all been very busy during this collaboration, so coordination has been somewhat difficult, but each has lent his or her experience towards the project when possible. While coordinating times has been difficult we have still made excellent progress as each member is invested in the project.


We have developed several iterations of a prototype, each an improvement of the previous version. We have utilized sculpting, computer generated models, and drawing.


We have used 3d printing to make fast prototyping, and plan on machining a final cast of our design to show full manufacturing capabilities.


The original idea was formed four years ago and a patent was filed for. Nothing was done until the Tulane Novel Tech challenge provided impetus and resources to move the project forward. Tulane students were recruited to aid in the project and have supplied expertise needed to take the design from paper to a full product. 


Several versions of the prototype have been created. A business plan has been worked out. The device has been submitted to the technology transfer office.

Challenges encountered

Some of the biggest problems that we have faced is in getting an accurate model to work from when designing the prototype. There are not a lot of already established simulation devices which accurately represent the procedure we are trying to reproduce. We had to make a modified simulation ourselves to test the device. We have learned that when working on a new innovation, you sometimes have to innovate in other areas as well.

Major outcomes

The main benefit that the project afforded us is the development of a prototype, a business plan, and experience in designing and building a new device.

Innovations, impact and successes

The largest impact that this device will have is in the reduction of risk that can affect the physician, infant, and mother during an already established procedure. This device will minimize damage and improve outcomes for all parties.