Explore 4 courses
  • Rapid Prototyping

    Course at University of Hawaii at Manoa

    A student should demonstrate mastery of the (i) principles of modern rapid-prototyping of electrophysical devices, (ii) the principles of design, fabrication, testing, and iteration within the context of an application domain, (iii) be proficient in building, measuring, and evaluating prototype performance, and (iv) professionally disseminating the results.

    Design + 1 more

  • Capstone Design Course

    Course at University of Hawaii at Manoa

    Significant project integrating the design content of previous courses and incorporating engineering standards and realistic constraints. Written report must document all aspects of the design process: reliability, safety, economics, ethics. Repeatable unlimited times.

    Engineering + 5 more

  • Special topics theme: robotics

    Course at James Madison University

    The course explores design and construction aspects of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV, quad copters).

    Physics + 4 more

  • Interprofessional Innovations

    Course at James Madison University

    The broad goal of this interprofessional course is to allow pre-professional, pre-nursing, and engineering students to leverage maker technology to produce and communicate solutions to current challenges in community health.

    Engineering + 2 more