As an institution, how would you define 'maker culture'?

A community of institutions of higher education, community colleges, local school districts, corporate partners, civic organizations, and government offices coming together to inspire, share, and provide the skills, tools, and motivation for promoting STEM and STEAM education.

How does your institution foster maker culture?

Capitalizing on the already-in-place cooperation among the groups mentioned above. The University of Iowa College of Engineering has a long-entrenched collaboration with the community defined above, providing us with the foundation to initiate and advance ideas and projects associated with the maker culture. We engage students in this process from their first semester as freshmen and continue through their curriculum. Our engagement in the Maker Faire concept is just taking root at the university. We will be helping take the lead to advance the concept on campus and in the community.

How are you approaching maker education with your current or future curricula?

Through learning-by-doing class projects in our Engineering Problem Solving-I courses, senior design projects, our year-long Program for Enhanced Design Experience, Grand Challenges Scholars Program, Technological Entrepreneurship Certificate, Storer Engineering Student Entrepreneurial Start-up Award, our art initiative with University of Iowa Fine Arts, FIRST Tech Challenge for the state of Iowa, and a motivation among more than 20 student organizations to be involved in the maker culture.

What are the key programs, initiatives or classes that support the development of maker skills?

See above.

How are your students involved in making? Are there maker groups or organizations on campus organized by students?

Maker groups engaged via senior design projects and among the 20+ student organizations --

Give a snapshot overview of the primary facilities, technologies and tools that campus makers have or will have access to?

A broad cross-section of existing laboratories, workshops, and team study rooms in the Seamans Center for the Engineering Arts and Sciences, and Engineering Machine Shop equipment for projects.

How does your school engage with the maker community at large?

Via encouragement and mentoring via the Dean's Office and academic departments.

What partnerships (informal or formal) do you have with makers and/or community organizations outside of campus?

Iowa City Area Development Group (economic development).

Local businesses interested in the maker concept.

Local STEAM Room --,

What has been the impact of maker culture on your campus?

The successful start-up of several programs devoted to the multi-disciplinary enterprise.

What are the success stories relating to your maker culture?

3D printer --

Student companies receiving Storer Engineering Student Entrepreneurial Start-up Awards --

Grand Challenges students --,

Students engaged in the Iowa Medical Innovations Group --,