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See what 49 schools are Making on their campuses.
See what 49 schools are Making on their campuses.
The Open Portfolio Project is aimed at developing technology solutions and a common set of practices for portfolio creation, reflection, sharing, and assessment.
Education + 1 more
BioSim, a participatory simulation where young students (grades K-3) enact the roles of honeybees and biological systems through the assistance of electronically-enhanced e-puppets, is designed to enhance youths’ understanding of complex systems through novel combinations of play, reflection, interaction and exploration.
Education + 1 more
Make-to-Learn is an effort that leverages DIY culture, digital practices, and educational research to advocate for placing making, creating, and designing at the core of educational practice.
Education + 1 more
This design project focuses on the design and fabrication of the first point-of-use microfluidic device capable of electrochemical detection and quantification of arsenic levels in groundwater sources.
Science + 3 more
The High Altitude Research Platform (HARP) was developed to allow pre-freshman STEM majors in a summer bridge program an opportunity to design and construct a near-space research craft.
Engineering + 2 more
The intent of this project was to develop a better way of burning fuel in jet engines.
Science + 2 more