Course Profile

Goals of the Course

MakerSeries is a one credit pass/fail course that acts to give students credit for attending a handful of workshops scattered throughout the semester. Workshops are taught by professors, students, staff, and visiting artists/professors, and range from sewing to instrument making and CAD. Each workshop is about an hour and intended to get a student over the hurdle of getting their hands dirty with a new tool or skill under the direction of an experienced instructor. 

Who is it designed for?

It is available to the entire university and somewhat tailored to the needs of mechanical engineering students.

Learning Objectives

They vary for each and every workshop.

Maker skills it develops

Everything from Bike Repair to Arduino programming depending on the workshop.



Skills, Tools and Technologies Used

A new tool or skill is formally introduced at each workshop.

Key Examples and Prior Work

The “Maker” name in MakerSeries! 

Key Resources

We also rely heavily on guides and tutorials published from companies like Sparkfun and Adafruit.

Example Assignment

The only assignment given to the students is that they have to attend 6 workshops to get credit for the course. The individual workshops all include a hands-on component but do not typically have assignments.

Lessons Learned

Everyone knows something they can teach someone else.